Riley Bennett Egloff Welcomes Attorney Lindsay Llewellyn

Riley Bennett Egloff LLP (RBE) is pleased to welcome Lindsay Llewellyn as an associate attorney to continue her practice in a variety of business and litigation matters, including matters related to commercial and business litigation, appeals, and intellectual property. She works on all phases of discovery and trial preparation, including conducting depositions and drafting motions. In addition to her trial experience, Lindsay has also participated in numerous mediations to help clients obtain resolutions of their legal matters.

Lindsay is a 2015 graduate of Indiana University’s Robert H. McKinney School of Law and holds certificates in both Health Law and Environmental and Natural Resources Law. She completed her undergraduate studies at DePauw University.

As a graduate of the Indiana State Bar Association (ISBA) Leadership Development Academy Class 11, Lindsay is committed to serving her personal and professional community. She serves on the Executive Committee for the Women & the Law Division of the Indianapolis Bar Association and as a Board Member for Hear Indiana. She also regularly volunteers with the Indianapolis Bar Association, providing bar examination takers with essay assistance. 

© Riley Bennett Egloff LLP

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Posted October 1, 2024