The clients of Riley Bennett Egloff include appliance manufacturers, jack manufacturers, metals manufacturers and fabricators, elevator and escalator manufacturers, engineering service companies, labeling manufacturers, pesticide manufacturers, and distributors, heating and cooling manufacturers, table pad manufacturers, and industrial machinery manufacturers. These companies vary in size and range from privately held companies to large, publicly-traded international conglomerates. Each company we represent faces unique challenges and has its own specific legal needs. We bring together attorneys with experience in multiple practice areas — and who have knowledge of several areas of business — to provide our clients with comprehensive legal services.
The services we provide our manufacturing clients run the gamut, including: intellectual property acquisition, registration, licensing and litigation; defending product liability claims; litigating non-competition covenants and other contractual disputes; negotiating product supply and distribution agreements; litigating claims for insurance coverage; and mergers and acquisitions.
Professionals in Manufacturing