RBE Supports ACE Mentor Program

Riley Bennett Egloff is proud to support the ACE Mentor Program of Indiana, a non-profit organization geared to assist Indianapolis-area high school students pursue college educations and careers focused on architecture, engineering, and other construction-related fields. Each year our Firm sponsors a $2,000 college scholarship awarded by ACE to a deserving high school student. This year, RBE was pleased to co-sponsor a $4,000 scholarship with our friends at Bowen Engineering, which was awarded to Daniela Salazar-Perez, a graduating senior at Ben Davis High School, at the ACE Scholarship Banquet on May 17, 2018. Daniela plans to attend IUPUI and major in engineering. RBE Partner Kevin Tharp, who is on the Board of Directors of ACE, was thrilled to present Daniella with her scholarship.