How Does Indiana’s Medical Review Panel Process Work? 

How Does Indiana’s Medical Review Panel Process Work? 

How Does Indiana’s Medical Review Panel Process Work? By: Courtney David Mills – RBE Partner In 1975, the Indiana legislature created the Indiana Medical Malpractice Act (“MMA”), which outlines the process for selecting a Medical Review Panel to review claims of...
The First Five Things To Do After Being Sued

The First Five Things To Do After Being Sued

The First Five Things To Do After Being Sued Receiving a summons or complaint in the mail can be nerve-racking and stressful. Whether you were recently involved in an accident or you are a physician who lost a patient in the operating room, receiving notification of a...
AI’s impact, from driverless cars to lawyerless law firms

AI’s impact, from driverless cars to lawyerless law firms

AI’s impact, from driverless cars to lawyerless law firms Artificial intelligence is not necessarily the same as automation. AI does not have a precise definition, but most commonly accepted definitions include the connection between a complex function requiring human...