The Indiana Court of Appeals recently published a decision that is instructive about noncompete agreements. In Zollinger v. Wagner-Meinert Eng’g,...
5 Problems of Success: Managing Construction Contractors Through COVID-19 and Beyond
Immediately prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction industry was experiencing tremendous growth in nearly all market segments in all areas...
A Tenant’s Options When Leased Space is No Longer Wanted
A tenant leasing retail, office, warehouse, or industrial space can sometimes find itself in a position where its lease expiration date is months or...
Immunity for Healthcare Providers During COVID-19 Crisis
On March 6, 2020, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-02 which declared a public health emergency in the State of Indiana...
A Potential Business Pipeline: Government Contract Awards
Companies restarting their businesses post-pandemic shutdown will be seeking creative ways to both renew customers and find new pipelines of...
SBA Updates Guidance on the “Necessity” Certification for PPP Loans
(Sixth in a series) This article continues our series relating to the Covid-19 legislation and briefly addresses today’s updated guidance issued by...
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Perils of Simultaneously Defending Against Criminal and Civil Lawsuits
Some people are unlucky enough to find themselves subject to criminal prosecution and a civil lawsuit, all for the same underlying incident. If you...
The Department of Labor Issues Regulations Implementing New Leave of Absence Law
This is the fifth in a series of articles in response to the COVID-19 federal legislation and benefit programs. This article discusses the...
Paycheck Protection Program Guidance and Resources – COVID 19
On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed into law The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). A significant aspect of the...
This is the third in a series of articles coordinated by RBE’s attorneys to assist our business clients in this unusual time. As you probably know,...
COVID-19 Business Resource Developments
This is the second in a series of articles coordinated by RBE’s attorneys to assist our business clients in this unusual time. Legal developments...
Financial Assistance Resources for Businesses Affected by COVID-19
As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread rapidly, the attorneys at Riley Bennett Egloff LLP are working diligently to provide our business and...
7 Tips to Help You Handle Your First Jury Trial
Nearly all of our courts require parties to mediate their case before trial. As a result, most cases settle, but settlement is not guaranteed....
The First Five Things To Do After Being Sued
Receiving a summons or complaint in the mail can be nerve-racking and stressful. Whether you were recently involved in an accident or you are a...
Indiana Supreme Court Issues Decision Impacting Employment Agreements
The Indiana Supreme Court recently published a decision that may prompt employers to review their employment agreements to narrow the scope of...
You’re Ready to Settle that Worker’s Comp Case, So Now What?
RBE partner Donald Smith discusses the 3 types of settlement agreements with worker's compensation cases in Don Smith Author Donald S....
The Hidden Legal Impact of New Rules for Lease Accounting
If you are a business owner, you may already know of recent changes to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) applicable to leases of...
Overtime Update – U.S. Department Of Labor’s New Mandatory Overtime Pay Rule Effective Jan. 1
This is a reminder to our employment law clients that the U.S. Department of Labor implemented a new mandatory overtime pay rule effective January...