RBE held its annual attorney golf outing at Woodstock Club on Friday, August 4, 2017. The weather was perfect, the food and service excellent, and great camaraderie was had by all. Congratulations to Stephanie Chaudhary, Beth Green, and Don Smith...
RBE Newsroom
RBE Sponsors Franciscan Health Foundation’s 31st Annual Golf Outing
Riley Bennett Egloff was a proud sponsor of the Franciscan Health Foundation’s 31st Annual Golf Outing on August 24, 2017, at Broadmoor Country Club. The event raised nearly $73,000 in support of cancer prevention and survivorship! These funds...
Attorney-client privilege and business entities: Will your attorney-client communications be protected?
Clients should understand that their communications with their attorneys are privileged, to the extent those communications were made for the purpose of giving or receiving legal advice. This means that such attorney-client communications will not...
RBE attorney Donald Smith wrote an article for The Indiana Lawyer
RBE attorney Donald Smith wrote an article for The Indiana Lawyer entitled, "Walking a Mile in His Moccasins." The article focuses on the challenges plaintiff’s and defense attorneys face when handling worker’s compensation cases. Click the link...
Protect Yourself by Understanding the Basics: Indemnity Agreements, Insurance Procurement, and Additional Insured Endorsements
Parties entering into business contracts often include provisions intended to transfer risks from one party to the other or to an insurance company. These include contracts for construction, services, product distribution, or property rental. ...
Ready or Not: Updates to Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act Are Headed Your Way
In 2016, the Indiana legislature made significant changes to Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act (“MMA”) to take effect on July 1, 2017, giving insurance companies and health care providers time to adapt and implement the changes. Most of the...
2017 Day at the Track
As part of a longstanding tradition, RBE partner Tony Jost hosted a client appreciation event at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on May 18, 2017.tjost@rbelaw.com
9 Tips for a Successful Deposition
So you received a Notice of Deposition. What is a deposition and what does that mean for you, the witness? A deposition is the legal term for a formal, recorded, question and answer session which occurs when the witness is under oath. A deposition...
Business owners increasingly store employee and consumer personal data in a digital format. This development holds numerous advantages for owners, including offsite storage of otherwise voluminous documents and searchable databases of...
Insurers Take Note: The Effect Of Recent Decisions Applying Indiana’s Um/Uim Statute To Commercial Excess And Umbrella Policies
Historically, providers of commercial excess and umbrella liability policies have had very limited success challenging the scope of application of Indiana’s Uninsured/Underinsured (“UM/UIM”) statute.[1] Like all statutes relating to insurance or...
Riley Bennett Egloff Attorneys Participate in the Ask A Lawyer Program
Riley Bennett Egloff attorneys will play a crucial role in providing Indianapolis residents with essential legal guidance at the Indianapolis Bar Association’s upcoming Ask a Lawyer event on Tuesday, April 11. As pro bono volunteers, John Egloff,...
Are You Adequately Insured? A Primer About Personal, Casualty, And Commercial Insurance Coverages
There exists a range of property and casualty insurance coverages to protect you, your family, your residence, and your business. Working with your insurance agent or direct line insurance specialist, you should first coordinate your personal...