Regardless of whether you are single or married, have children or not, are working or retired, or have significant assets or none, there are many...
Navigating Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act Statute of Limitations
Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act (“Act”) statute of limitations for pursuing a claim against a qualified health care provider reads as follows: (a)...
Who May Obtain a Protective Order?
What should you do if you are being harassed, threatened, intimidated or frightened by the actions of a parent, a student, a co-worker, or a member...
Should Your LLC Change Its Operating Agreement to Address 2018 Tax Law Changes?
If your LLC has multiple members and is taxed as a partnership, you may want to amend your LLC’s Operating Agreement to respond to tax law changes...
What Does The Liability Section Of Your Homeowner’s Policy Cover?
Most homeowners obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy to cover loss or damage to their homes. They know that the property is covered and they may...
Death of an Expert Witness: What Happens Next?
Fact and expert discovery has been completed, dispositive motions filed and ruled upon, and pre-trial preparations have begun when the opposing...
Buying a Business or Buying Trouble? – 4 Tips to Minimize Risk
Buying a business should not be like buying a used car. While it may be common for someone to buy a used car “as-is,” it would be highly unusual...
Indiana Makes Significant Changes to End of Life Health Care Decisions And Medical Consent Laws
On March 13, 2018, the Indiana Governor signed House Bill 1119 into law after it was approved by unanimous votes in the Indiana Legislature. HB1119...
Indiana Spoliation Law: Experts Can be Critical and Good Faith May Not be Enough
The Indiana Court of Appeals issued a decision last month that provides a good overview of spoliation claims under Indiana law, and which confirms...
RBE Supports ACE Mentor Program
Riley Bennett Egloff is proud to support the ACE Mentor Program of Indiana, a non-profit organization geared to assist Indianapolis-area high school...
10 Tips to Quickly, Amicably, Fairly, and Economically Settle Disputes With the beautiful weather the month of May brings us in Indiana, generally...
EMPLOYMENT LAW ALERT: Supreme Court Decision Lightens Employer Burden in FLSA Disputes
On April 2, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion which may have long-lasting effects on wage and hour law. The dispute in Encino...
Medical malpractice or ordinary negligence? A primer for understanding the scope and impact of the Medical Malpractice Act.
A patient suffers an injury while receiving treatment from a health care provider. The patient alleges that the injury was the result of the...
“Can’t We Just Appeal?”— When (and When Not) to Seek an Appeal
Let’s say a trial court or jury just made a decision with which you disagree. Your next question likely will be, “can’t we just ‘fix’ it on...
WHY CAN’T WE ALL JUST WORK TOGETHER? – A Client-Centered Approach to Working with Business Advisors
Small business owners are often so busy working in their business that they neglect to work on their business. More than ever, in these complex and...
Litigation Hold Letters: 5 Steps to Avoid Problems
In today’s world of fast-paced, electronic communication, nearly every corporation in the U.S. maintains electronically stored information (commonly...
‘Tis the Season…(to review your restrictive employment agreements)
To get your New Year off to a good start, we suggest you consider entering into restrictive employment agreements with key employees to protect your...
The Business Entity Harmonization Act in 30 Seconds or Less
As many of our readers are aware, effective January 1, 2018, Indiana Senate Bill 443, known as the “Business Entity Harmonization Act,” will become...