A patient suffers an injury while receiving treatment from a health care provider. The patient alleges that the injury was the result of the...
“Can’t We Just Appeal?”— When (and When Not) to Seek an Appeal
Let’s say a trial court or jury just made a decision with which you disagree. Your next question likely will be, “can’t we just ‘fix’ it on...
WHY CAN’T WE ALL JUST WORK TOGETHER? – A Client-Centered Approach to Working with Business Advisors
Small business owners are often so busy working in their business that they neglect to work on their business. More than ever, in these complex and...
Litigation Hold Letters: 5 Steps to Avoid Problems
In today’s world of fast-paced, electronic communication, nearly every corporation in the U.S. maintains electronically stored information (commonly...
You Received a Consumer Complaint from the Office of the Indiana Attorney General, Now What?
The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (“IPLA”) regulates 40 licensed professions in the State of Indiana, everything from auctioneers to funeral...
‘Tis the Season…(to review your restrictive employment agreements)
To get your New Year off to a good start, we suggest you consider entering into restrictive employment agreements with key employees to protect your...
The Business Entity Harmonization Act in 30 Seconds or Less
As many of our readers are aware, effective January 1, 2018, Indiana Senate Bill 443, known as the “Business Entity Harmonization Act,” will become...
Planning Your Retirement Destination
The Baby Boomer generation is retiring at a high rate of nearly four million per year. Studies estimate the number of senior Americans age 65 and...
Do I Need A Will? What Is A Trust? Do I Need To Do Any Estate Planning?
Statistics show that less than 25% of people who would significantly benefit from the tax or legal aspects of Wills or Trusts have them in place. ...
Is an Indiana Series LLC Right For My Next Business?
On January 1, 2017, Indiana joined thirteen (13) other states in recognizing series limited liability companies (“Series LLCs”).[1] Series LLCs were...
Indiana’s Duty to Immediately Report Child Abuse
In Indiana, an individual who has reason to believe that a child is the victim of child abuse or neglect shall make an immediate oral or written...
Indiana’s Wrongful Death Damages – A “Cheat Sheet” For What Damages Are Recoverable
UPDATE Since publishing the RBE wrongful death damages CHEAT SHEET in 2017, the Indiana Legislature amended the definition of “adult person” for...
Attorney-client privilege and business entities: Will your attorney-client communications be protected?
Clients should understand that their communications with their attorneys are privileged, to the extent those communications were made for the...
Protect Yourself by Understanding the Basics: Indemnity Agreements, Insurance Procurement, and Additional Insured Endorsements
Parties entering into business contracts often include provisions intended to transfer risks from one party to the other or to an insurance...
Ready or Not: Updates to Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act Are Headed Your Way
In 2016, the Indiana legislature made significant changes to Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act (“MMA”) to take effect on July 1, 2017, giving...
9 Tips for a Successful Deposition
So you received a Notice of Deposition. What is a deposition and what does that mean for you, the witness? A deposition is the legal term for a...
Business owners increasingly store employee and consumer personal data in a digital format. This development holds numerous advantages for owners,...
Insurers Take Note: The Effect Of Recent Decisions Applying Indiana’s Um/Uim Statute To Commercial Excess And Umbrella Policies
Historically, providers of commercial excess and umbrella liability policies have had very limited success challenging the scope of application of...