Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act (“Act”) statute of limitations for pursuing a claim against a qualified health care provider reads as follows: (a) This section applies to all persons regardless of minority or other legal disability, except as...
RBE Newsroom
Who May Obtain a Protective Order?
What should you do if you are being harassed, threatened, intimidated or frightened by the actions of a parent, a student, a co-worker, or a member of the public? One option is to get a protective order against that individual. Indiana law is...
Should Your LLC Change Its Operating Agreement to Address 2018 Tax Law Changes?
If your LLC has multiple members and is taxed as a partnership, you may want to amend your LLC’s Operating Agreement to respond to tax law changes in effect beginning with the 2018 tax year. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (“BBA”) made...
The Consumer Complaint Investigative Process at the Office of the Indiana Attorney General
When someone’s license is the subject of a Consumer Complaint filed with the Office of the Indiana Attorney General (“OAG”), his/her legal counsel will have the opportunity to file a written Response. They may then be left waiting for several...
What Does The Liability Section Of Your Homeowner’s Policy Cover?
Most homeowners obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy to cover loss or damage to their homes. They know that the property is covered and they may know that there is some “liability” coverage under the policy, but that is the extent of their...
Death of an Expert Witness: What Happens Next?
Fact and expert discovery has been completed, dispositive motions filed and ruled upon, and pre-trial preparations have begun when the opposing party moves to replace its expert witness because the witness has passed away. Immediate thoughts go to...
RBE Reached 100% Participation in the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law 2018 Law Firm and Corporate Campaign
RBE Reached 100% Participation in the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law 2018 Law Firm and Corporate CampaignRiley Bennett Egloff LLP is pleased to announce its 100% participation in the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School...
New RBE Associate, Jaclyn Flint
RBE is pleased to announce that Jaclyn M. Flint has joined the firm as an associate attorney practicing in business and litigation matters, including matters related to sports, media, intellectual property, contractual disputes, technology...
Buying a Business or Buying Trouble? – 4 Tips to Minimize Risk
Buying a business should not be like buying a used car. While it may be common for someone to buy a used car “as-is,” it would be highly unusual for someone to buy a business with that disclaimer. Instead, when purchasing a business, buyers will...
Indiana Makes Significant Changes to End of Life Health Care Decisions And Medical Consent Laws
On March 13, 2018, the Indiana Governor signed House Bill 1119 into law after it was approved by unanimous votes in the Indiana Legislature. HB1119 makes two significant changes to Indiana law concerning end-of-life health care decisions. The...
What Indiana Employers Need to Know When Settling Worker’s Compensation Claims
Indiana Code § 22-3-2-15 permits an injured employee or his dependents and an employer to enter into a full and final settlement agreement which forecloses the injured employee’s ability to reopen a claim for a change in condition. The Indiana...
Changes to the Worker’s Compensation Act of Indiana (the “Act”) are coming on July 1, 2018. Often, this is the date that changes in the values of benefits take place, but there are no increases in the values this year. The changes this year...