RBE Celebrating 40 Years!

RBE Celebrating 40 Years!

Riley Bennett Egloff LLP is proud to announce that it is celebrating its 40-year anniversary.  The Firm was founded in 1979 with three attorneys who...

2019 Cultural Trail Spring Clean

2019 Cultural Trail Spring Clean

RBE is proud to have sponsored and participated in the 2019 Cultural Trail Spring Clean that took place on Saturday, March 23. The clean-up included...

New RBE Associate, Jaclyn Flint

New RBE Associate, Jaclyn Flint

RBE is pleased to announce that Jaclyn M. Flint has joined the firm as an associate attorney practicing in business and litigation matters,...

RBE Supports ACE Mentor Program

RBE Supports ACE Mentor Program

Riley Bennett Egloff is proud to support the ACE Mentor Program of Indiana, a non-profit organization geared to assist Indianapolis-area high school...

Farewell and Best Wishes, Beth Green!

Farewell and Best Wishes, Beth Green!

After starting her legal career at RBE and serving well our clients for nearly 15 years, partner Beth Green was recently honored to accept the role...

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